

Will rooting for Ghana in their game against the US this week make me a terrorist?


At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, but following soccer at all puts you on the "highly suspect" list at the FBI...

I mean, think about it: the fans are called "hooligans" which sounds like an extremist Islamic sect to me, you "shoot" at the "goal" (geez, can't these soccer terrorists even be subtle with their codes?), someone screams "TOR!" every now and then which probably is foreign for "Kill the Imperialist Americans like the dogs they are!", and, of course, America's team sucks, so this can't be a REAL sport, anyway. And if it's not a sport, but everyone pretends it is, there must be something underhanded going on.

I've got my eye on you, Evan...

At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The term hooligan came to be used around 1920 which referred to the Houlihans, a particularly violent Irish family living in London’s East end. Therefore, anyone who frequents Houlihan's supports hooliganism, is therefore a terrorist, and should be locked up for, if nothing else, bad taste. Did I use enough commas?

At 6:44 AM, Blogger evandebacle said...

Well, based on this logic it doesn't really make much of a difference how anti-American the other team is. So, my plan is to cut work tomorrow, thus cutting into American capitalist productivity, and I'm going to Houlihan's and rooting for...Iran!

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe they shout 'score' very occasionally.

And please. The USA suck at the moment. They totally should have played DeMerit, but nooo.

Support ENGLAND!

At 1:55 PM, Blogger evandebacle said...

England? They got they got the same result against Sweden as Trinidad anad Tobago. How could I root for that?


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